Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time To Clear Up, It's About Time!

Finally, here I am - the last working Friday here in AMD.

And then it hit me that I need to clear up my work space/cube since it's the only suitable time I have before coming in on Monday and doing the customary his/byes and sending out the farewell email. I know I'll be down and sad on Monday, you can even call it depressing... but on the other hand as a grown up man (cheh, macho tak?), I know life has to go on! *sob*sob*.

So here's my work space/cube photo which I took as a remembrance before I leave AMD. Thank you for the memories, appreciate the spot! Though I've never sat here that often. You see, I'm a roamer, a gypsy of sort in AMD Cyberjaya and every one know about it! Let me count how many cubes I've sat before... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2nd floor pantry, 3rd floor pantry... well, let's just move on, okay?

Well, the writing on the whiteboard says it all - "MOKX R.I.P 1985 - DEAD", it refers to my time here in AMD I guess :'(.

Every item on the table has tells a tale - the Coke bottles, the Salt Lick Bar-B-Q sauce bottle, the teddy bear, the Best Table Topics speaker ribbon and etc. I'm going to miss all the people and stories behind each and one item I took back home.

Whatever it is, I'm going to stick to the first poster on the side - "Keep Calm & Carry On".

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