Thursday, January 26, 2012

"In A Relationship"

So here's my Project 4 Toastmasters' speech:

Let's go back to year 2008, I just graduated from MMU Cyberjaya with not so bad grades, I was young, raring to go and of course I was fatter. Landed an internship stint with BMW and was flying high - organizing events - A1GP, MotoGP, hanging out with the rich guys who spoke about champagne, cigars and golf and enjoyed driving BMWs during weekends.

Then somethiing happened, early 2009 and there was a economy downturn, headcount was freezed and I had to go. I went back to Penang to rethink my strategy and I had 1 aim and 1 aim only - TO STAY AWAY FROM CALL CENTERS! Luckily, through my friend, I managed enroll in the INSEP programme. Then something beautiful happened - I met HER! During a time I was at the lowest point, tough times. I remember the second half 2009, personally, it was a very bad period for me. I've been out of job for 4 months, had about RM700 in my savings and my mom was in the hospital because one of her kidneys had stop functioning.

Met her side and they were convinced I was the right person. However, I had my own doubts if she was the right one for me and vise versa, but after 3 months or so down the road, I decided - YES! She has been my lucky charm. With her support, I've managed to accomplish a lot of things in my life.

Like any partner, she might be a little complicated to understand straightaway, but trust me, once I got to know her and I fell in love with her head over heels. And like any relationship, sometimes the problem is not from your partner but rather the additional baggages that comes with them, for examples your in-laws. I've had a few of those, but hey, if you really love your partner, then you got to live up to all of these right? Eventhough there might be issues and challenges along the way, but somehow, I tried to make things happen.

Now I know a lot of you here might say "Hey Mokx, come on la, stop lying. We know you're single okay? We are connected on Facebook." I know, I know. So let me tell who's the "she", "she" is not a person. "She" us none other than the three big letters plastered outside this building - AMD!

Why AMD?

The people! Like anywhere else, the people define the organization. And for me, I just fell in love with the AMD family. I remember very vividly from the day I sat down for an interview with TH Tan to the day I first met Michele in Austin. I'm grateful that I've had the chance to work some of the nicest people I know - Michele, Devinder, Boon, Salina and the list goes on and on and on. I was impressed by the knowledge and experience these people had but at the same time there were humble and very approachable. I've also made tonnes of friend and but if there's one person I have single out, that would be none other than Bert. Everything we did together proved a success. I consider most of you here as my close friends. I'm proud that I've always had your support and backing, especially TWB bunch and The Cool Kids. Michele and Salina, I can't thank both of you enough. You know, some of the guys here tease me that both of you are my "mak ciks", which means aunt. But I consider both of you more than that, you're my godmothers. You really took me under your wings and thought me a lot of things. I'm not sure how repay your faith in me, all I can say is a big thank you!

AMD also has been a place where my personal life transformed tremendously. For a young graduate who has lost his footing in his career. I had hit or created a lot of milestones during the past 2 years and 8 months I've been with AMD. From an intern to a contrator, then moving on to be ITA1 and and finally being promoted ITA2. Before I met her, I've never been out of the country or possesed a passport. All that changed in April 2010 when I was sent to Austin, Texas for KT for 3 weeks. Soon, many other milestones followed - my India trip, the Australia trip, my first house, my new car, 2 Spotlight awards, getting involve in charity work and countless "well dones" and "congratulations". Sometimes when I think back, so much has happened in the past 2 years that I would never have imagined in 2008, if you told me.

AMD also have helped me to grow up as a person. It has molded me to be more mature, developed my character and attitude. Thought me alot of things such as leadership skills, communication skills, anger management, to be straighforward, outspoken, to ask questions, to take ownership and view things from end-to-end rather than in a silo outlook. And the end product is that I've become more of an all-rounder. I've been part of all the major milestones that AMD Cyberjaya has had. Again, I'm very thankful for the opportunity given and the trust that has been shown. All these attributes will definitely be super useful in future.

So here's my advice before I go:
1. Leave behind your race, religion, status, political believes when you step inside that door. You're an AMDer and that's what matters the most.
2. Take ownership of what you do and do your best in everything you're entrusted to, no matter what is you title or position in the organization. You can make a change, trust me. Ask yourself what you can do for the company instead of asking what the company can do for you.

So just like any relationship in life, it has to come to an end. And this is my last speech as an AMDer. As many of you know, I'd be leaving AMD soon to join another organization. What do I hope? I hope that I'd be regarded as someone who gave his all in everything, a bulldog, a fighter - whether it's job related or otherwise. Someone who was sincere, loyal, passionate and trustworthy. Do I have regrets? I would say yes and no. No, not with the end product, because I believe the combination of challenges, weaknesses and incompetencies helped me to be where I am today. And yes, I have some regrets cause there are still a lot of unfinished business. The Finance Transformation project testing, RLKLite integration to SAP, Toastmasters presidentship and ERT membership. And maybe, just maybe I could have done some things differently along the way.

Having said that, if there's a right opportunity and I'm given a chance, would I be back? My answer would be a resounding YES! Until then, I'll definitely remember all the good and bad times, the ups and downs, and everything in between. With that, I would like to end my speech and it's only right if I do it with a bow. Thank you!

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